Oakwood Beach Credit: Mike Richardson

On the coastal edge of Bronzeville rests a small and beautiful beachfront. Oakwood Beach, which was recently developed in 2010, is more than just a stretch of sand and waterā€”itā€™sĀ a public sanctuary that merges the beauty of nature with the pulse of Chicagoā€™s city life.Ā 

Everything about the beach feels intentional, from its sourced materials to what the space is often utilized for. Built with sand from a Wisconsin quarry and protected from erosion with piers, the few acres of land serve as a grounding space. Life in the city can get loud and not everyone has the means to easily escape. But having spaces like Oakwood Beach, where you get beautiful, accessible views of the skyline and lakefront, makes it a comforting public space to collectively retreat away from the noise of the world.

Oakwood Beach is a space where the cityā€™s history intertwines with the present, providing both a physical and emotional respite for those seeking it. Located in Bronzeville, a neighborhood known as the ā€œBlack Metropolisā€ during the Great Migration, this stretch of the lakefront has long been a haven for Chicagoā€™s Black community. That sense of belonging persistsā€”as Oakwood remains a communal space that feels as inclusive as it does restorative.

I often find myself here, not just to enjoy the scenery, but to clear my mind. The sounds of the lake and the city in the distance create a unique harmony, providing the perfect backdrop for reflection. I found myself releasing emotions along the nestled lakefront, purging pages of my life I no longer wanted to carry. It was here that I also realized the power of narrativeā€”how we are not confined to the stories we tell ourselves, but instead, can write new ones. This realization fuels my creative process. Thereā€™s something about being close to nature that opens a floodgate for new ideas.

In many ways, the beach also serves as a unique creative playground. Iā€™ve shared this space with fellow writers and artists, sitting in grass hidden under the arms of age-old trees, exchanging stories and experiences. The environment feels fertile as if the lake itself nurtures creativity. Whether itā€™s quiet moments alone with a journal or impromptu meet-ups with other artists, Oakwood Beach always seems to spark something new within me.

This creative energy isnā€™t just limited to intimate gatherings. The beachfront has hosted festivals that bring together artists, local businesses, and community members to celebrate the rich cultural history of the South Side. Most notably, the Silver Room Block Party found its home here in recent years. Itā€™s one of my favorite memoriesā€”seeing our community come together to celebrate music, art, and local businesses. Watching people dance, laugh, and connect by the water felt like a reminder of why spaces like Oakwood are so important. 

Another cherished memory is watching The Wiz during one of the Movies in the Park events over the summer. Sitting near the water and surrounded by people who, like me, come to escape and unwind, was a beautiful reminder of the power of public spaces. Itā€™s not just a place to relax and communeā€”itā€™s where we gather to celebrate culture, grieve, grow, and be inspired.

Whether Iā€™m there to think, write, or simply exist, Oakwood Beach continues to be the space where I find balanceā€”grounding myself and building the courage to shape new narratives for myself.

Oakwood Beach, 4100 S. Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable Lake Shore Drive. Beach open 6amā€“11pm, but swimming only allowed while lifeguard is on duty, 11amā€“7pm. (773) 971-6258

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