Helping to further delineate the link between simulated-dungeon-crawling and six-string-shredding, the Little Village-based Numero Group label is preparing to release a compilation of Dungeons & Dragons-inspired seventies hard rock. The “Warfaring Strangers: Darkscorch Canticles” compilation shows the Little Village-based reissue label moving further afield from their eccentric soul roots and building on the orc-rock sound they pioneered with last year’s Medusa re-release. The “Darkscorch” compilation is now being spearheaded by Dustin Drase, a Numero employee and fantasy-game enthusiast who was invited to DJ the “Level Eater” event in Bridgeport this past Saturday. The compilation itself includes rereleases of sixteen ultra-rare Gary Gygax-worshipping hard rock songs from bands with names like “Stonehenge” and “Wizard.” Though a quick scan of the title could lead one to believe that it’s just the soundtrack to a new Spinal Tap sequel film, the quality of these tracks proves “Darkscorch” to be far more than a novelty offering—it’s a true labor of role-playing love. The record label also plans to include a fully playable board game inspired by the album’s tracks, a bonus treat which is sure to please both vinyl fiends and RPG nerds in equal measure. While aspiring mages and air-guitar heroes across the nation may be salivating in anticipation, they will still have to wait awhile longer: “Darkscorch” won’t officially be released until March 4. For now, though, Numero has left us with two tongue-scorching teaser tracks—Junction’s “Sorceror” and Wrath’s “Warlord”—which can be streamed in full via the label’s Soundcloud page.
Preview tracks at soundcloud.com/numerogroup