Unapologetically for everything in print
I am the uppercase sensitive B in your Black.
I am not the death or the plague, I am not
The sheep or the shirt.
I am not the mail, nor the market.
I am the melanin.
I am the majesty.
I am the origin of everything.
Yes, I am the magic;
But not the way you mean it.
I am the melody, the march and the movement.
I am;
The message and the messenger.
I am the Martin and the Malcolm,
The Mandela and the Makeba.
I am the strap molasses,
Thick sweet.
I am the crude oil,
Fuel deep.
I am the coal mined,
Diamond earth.
I am the cargo from ship’s berth.
I am the culmination of all colors
Not the presence of none.
I am hidden figures climbing fences in the moonlight.
Please don’t EVER spell my Black with a lowercase b.
I’m case sensitive like that.