Hot Pot at Happy Lamb Credit: Caeli Kean

At the risk of losing my status as a regular at my favorite restaurant to the rest of the Chicago population, I am going to share this newly opened spot in Bridgeport.Ā 

Chicago is a great city to live in and visit under any weather, be it under a blanket of snow or in blistering sunlight. Rainy fall days in Chicago also have a special place in my heart. There is something that feels so heartwarming about eating hot soup on a cold rainy or snowy day in the city. Chicago only gets a sum total of two weeks of sun throughout the year. The rest of the time, the city can feel cold and dark. 

Finding a great soup spot is critical for surviving Chicago weather and feeds the soul when all you want to do is hibernate.

There is also something so fulfilling about sharing food around a table with friends and family. Jack Chen, who runs the restaurant, says that this is why he loves hot pot. A big part of Chinese cuisine is food sharing. Sharing a meal is a family affair. You donā€™t order individual plates, but several plates to share. Hot pot is precisely this. 

The broth is placed and heated at the center of the table so that all can reach it. The ingredients are then added into the broth by all at the table.

Jack has fond memories of sharing a hot pot with family and friends growing up. He says that hot pot is a celebration meal and growing up he remembers someone would yell ā€œLetā€™s get hot pot!ā€ after something good or successful happened in the family. 

The broth options include bone marrow, tomato, and chili broth. Honestly, the chili broth is my absolute favorite. 

This hot pot location takes the hot pot experience to the next level. It is a worldwide franchise with locations all over the world. Owners choose the way to organize the manner the food is served and how service is provided. Happy Lamb hot pot offers unlimited buffet style seafood, meats, vegetables, and noodles. The price is unbeatable. Only $27 for all you can eat, and you have options like quality marble lamb and head on shrimp. Not only that, but customers can get a free meal on their birthday! Also, their lunch specials are available from 11:30am to 4pm.

Jack says that since Happy Lamb on Halsted opened, many have mentioned that Halsted Street is more vibrant. He is also happy to see Stussyā€™s Diner opened up because the Halsted location is really getting to be more lively. This change was needed.

Ask about their family rooms for a private room; they are gorgeous. 

Finally, if you havenā€™t tried seaweed knots in your soup, you havenā€™t lived!

Happy Lamb Hot Pot (Bridgeport), 3207 S. Halsted St. 11:30amā€“10pm. (872) 299-3137.

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