Illinois workers owed back wages
More than $5 million in back wages were recovered by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) and is owed to around 7,000 Illinois workers. The WHD is responsible for enforcing labor laws and when violations are found, the agency recovers the unpaid wages on behalf of the employees. When an employee is not able to be tracked down, WHD holds on to their wages for three years. Once those three years are up, the money is then sent to the U.S. Treasury.
A new online search tool created by the Department of Labor allows Illinois workers to search a database for unclaimed wages. WOW or Workers Owed Wages lets you search for an employer by name. The same search tool will allow workers to submit a claim if they find they are owed wages. The online search tool can be accessed at
Class action settlement with MAT Asphalt
The January 22 deadline is approaching for eligible households in McKinley Park, Brighton Park and Back of the Yards to claim settlement funds from the class-action lawsuit against MAT Asphalt LLC, which was preliminarily approved by a Cook County Circuit Court judge in November. Rodriguez vs MAT Asphalt LLC was filed in 2020 after McKinley Park residents alleged noxious odors emitting from the plant created a nuisance for neighbors inside and outside their homes.
The settlement includes a cash fund of $1.2 million (minus costs and attorney fees) for parties eligible to receive compensation, defined as “All owner/occupants and renters of residential property with a physical, residential structure or any part thereof located within a half (.5) mile of the facilities’ property boundary located at 2055 W. Pershing Rd, Chicago, Illinois at any time since July 20, 2018.” The settlement also dictates that Mat Asphalt implements $900,000 worth of certain facility improvements, including requiring tarp coverings for trucks and a capture system to remove blue smoke emissions from silos, by April 30, 2024.
The settlement amount will be divided between the number of households who file a claim and whose claim is validated by court. The deadline to submit a claim is January 22, 2024. The claim must be sent via physical mail and postmarked on or before January 22 in order to receive cash payment from the settlement fund. Questions can be directed towards the attorneys directly at or 1-800-536-0045. More information available at
Acuerdo de demanda contra MAT Asphalt
Se acerca la fecha límite del 22 de enero para que los hogares elegibles en McKinley Park, Brighton Park y Back of the Yards reclamen fondos del acuerdo de una demanda colectiva contra MAT Asphalt LLC, que fue aprobada preliminarmente por un juez de la Corte del Circuito del Condado de Cook en noviembre. Rodríguez vs MAT Asphalt LLC se presentó en 2020 después de que los residentes de McKinley Park alegaran que los olores nocivos que emitía la planta de asfalto creaban una molestia para los vecinos adentro y afuera de sus hogares.
El acuerdo incluye un fondo en efectivo de $1.2 millones (menos los costos de abogados) para las partes elegibles para recibir compensación, definidas como “Todos los propietarios/ocupantes e inquilinos de propiedades residenciales con una estructura física residencial o cualquier parte de la misma ubicada dentro de media (.5) milla de las instalaciones en 2055 W. Pershing Rd, Chicago, Illinois en cualquier momento desde el 20 de julio de 2018”. El acuerdo también dicta que MAT Asphalt implemente ciertas mejoras en sus instalaciones con un valor de $900,000 antes del 30 de abril de 2024, incluyendo el requisito de cubrir los camiones con lonas y un sistema de captura para eliminar las emisiones de humo azul de los silos.
La cantidad se dividirá entre el número de hogares que presenten un reclamo y cuyo reclamo sea aceptado por la corte. La fecha límite para presentar un reclamo es el 22 de enero de 2024. El reclamo debe enviarse por correo y tener un sello de envío del 22 de enero o antes para poder recibir el pago en efectivo. Las preguntas pueden dirigirse a los abogados directamente por email a o por teléfono al 1-800-536-0045. Más información disponible en