La curación tradicional mexicana significa plantas, rezos y manos para sanar. Ilustración: Shane Tolentino

Léalo en español

Traditional Mexican healing practices are survival medicine. The earliest Mexican settlers to the Chicago area survived boxcar living during harsh winters with home remedies such as teas, massage, and ointments. Many people living in the boxcar barrios often preferred to pay parteras (midwives) to deliver their children in the boxcar homes, where they were relegated to live, instead of the local dispensary. In Mexican Labor in the United States, sociologist Paul S. Taylor documented the opinions of many people in these communities who expressed distrust of doctors and the medicines they offered. 

I have been a student of traditional Mexican healing practices since childhood, and often visit Maya and Native American communities in the U.S. Raised by Mexican grandparents, I first learned these lessons around the kitchen table, listening to grandma tell me about the tea simmering on the stove. “Do you think I had time to go to the doctor’s office with six kids?” Of course not. Nor was there money for doctors’ visits or medicine. She knew that with so many people to take care for, an ounce of prevention was worth much more than a pound of cure. “Drink your tea while it’s hot.” 

Grandpa referred to these practices affectionately as brujerías (witchcraft). His own mother, my great-grandmother, Fidencia, brought traditional Mexican healing practices with her in 1923 when she, her husband, and her young child, Antonio (gramps), arrived to the Blue Island boxcar camp at 135th Street. In Guanajuato, my great-grandmother had learned to sobar (massage), learned about medicinal plants, and helped bring babies into the world. Her skills helped her young family survive physically and economically as they migrated north.

Traditional Mexican healing practices have survived conquest, colonization, and the professionalization of medicine because many modalities require little if any equipment, and what is needed is easily transported or easily obtained. Information is transmitted orally, without need for documentation. Although some commonly used ingredients have Asian, European, or Middle Eastern roots, they were incorporated into indigenous Mexican healing practices during colonization and continue to be used today. Many of the plants used are widely available, relatively inexpensive, and effective.

I am not a medical professional, and this is not medical advice. I am not offering the cure for the coronavirus, for cancer, or for the common cold. What I am offering is some of the information I’ve learned over the years that I’ve found effective in alleviating pain and taking care of the people I love. The elements I recommend have been demonstrated to have medicinal properties that help prevent and treat various diseases. 

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Hot herbal teas: Most of the teas I serve my family are based on plants and can be used in compresses or baths, or to make oils for massage. As a tea, they’re comforting, delicious, and warm you up on the inside. Here’s some of the teas I most commonly prepare:

  • At the first complaint of any flu-like symptoms, I simmer soft cinnamon/canela sticks in about a quart of water until the water is medium brown. After removing the sticks and reserving for a future simmer, I add honey and serve to everyone in the house. We all get a bit of aromatherapy as the house fills with the wonderful cinnamon fragrance, and it makes us all feel good immediately. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antioxidant properties, and research suggests that it can have beneficial cardiovascular effects, although robust human trials still need to be conducted. 
  • Chamomile/manzanilla is one of the most common natural aids for anxiety and mild depression in the Mexican culture and is thought by many to be a great sleep aid. There are many uses for chamomile; its medicinal use dates back to ancient Egyptian times. When someone is feeling agitated, stressed out, or can’t sleep, or when someone’s tummy is upset, manzanilla is comfort in a cup. It’s the first tea I introduced to my children and grandchildren. Some parents use it as a home remedy for treating colic in infants and relieving stress in parents. I don’t have access to fresh chamomile, but I remember it grew wild in front of our house when I was a child. Fresh flowers are usually the tastiest and best for you, but dried chamomile can be found in Mexican grocery stores all over Chicago. Ready-made tea bags are also good, and those are just about everywhere. I always have some in my kitchen and sometimes take a bag or two with me when traveling. Note: Expectant mothers should use caution when using any herbal remedies, but chamomile is one herb I was taught should be avoided during pregnancy. 
  • Spearmint, mint/hierbabuena has been studied as a possible treatment for digestive issues and as a pain reliever especially for headaches, and is good for managing stress and anxiety. It is sometimes used to help alleviate asthma attacks as it calms the muscles in the respiratory system. It is an antioxidant and has antifungal and antibacterial properties and a very pleasing fragrance. Its oil is used in candles, bath and beauty products, and for diffusers. 

Limes/limones are not just for margaritas, folks! Mexicans put limes on practically everything! Two of the three types of limes most commonly cultivated globally, the Persian lime and the Key lime (commonly known as Mexican lime), are largely produced and consumed in Mexico. The Mexican lime thrives in heat and grows abundantly there. It is believed that Portuguese and Spanish voyagers brought limes to the Americas in the early sixteenth century, and cultivation of Mexican lime in the United States began when it was brought from Yucatán to the Florida Keys in 1838. Lime is used as a diuretic, for sore throats, coughs, and colds. People use it to soothe nervousness and anxiety, stress-related digestive disorders, and insomnia. Limeade has only three ingredients: water, limes, and sugar (add in that order). You control the amount of sugar added. It’s refreshing and good for you.

Honey/miel de abeja and the practice of beekeeping was documented in the Madrid Codex; creator god Itzamna, who is identified with the powers of curing, is shown holding a beehive. The stingless bees were important to the diet, economy, and medicinal and ritual practices of the ancient Yucatec Maya. Today, the Yucatán peninsula represents thirty-two percent of the total volume of honey produced in Mexico and some of the highest-quality honey produced for the international market, making the region an important beekeeping area of the world. While honey should not be given to babies under twelve months old, for everyone else, honey can help with digestive issues as well as with the symptoms of coughs and colds. Putting honey in tea can bring out the flavors of the leaves and make your tea more palatable. One natural remedy for children over the age of one is to infuse honey with eucalyptus, then give the children a spoonful. The children in my family have never been able to get it down, though—eucalyptus has a very intense flavor.

Sobadas: Traditional Mexican massages have been used to treat digestive issues, musculoskeletal pain caused by tendon or nerve issues, and infertility, and to manage the effects of trauma on the body, mind, and spirit. During a sobada, the practitioner will likely use oil or an ointment made with plant matter. While there are many Mexican curanderas/os (healers, female and male respectively) who have chiropractic training or have apprenticed with a curandera/o, there are also many who have had little to no formal training at all. For some, the ability to sobar (massage) is a don (gift) that is learned and requires intuition and faith. 

A sobada is different from a massage in several ways; firstly, a sobada is done when something is wrong, whereas massages are often preventative and for relaxation of muscle tension. Another difference is that sobadas focus on the injured area, but massages are typically for your entire body. Massages often feel wonderful and are very relaxing. Sobadas are not relaxing; in fact, they can be quite uncomfortable and even pretty painful. Each curandera/o has their own technique; there is no one true way to sobar. 

There are a few rules that people commonly adhere to when receiving a sobada. You should not bathe or get wet after receiving a sobada until the following day. The idea is that you’ll shock the body because it’s just been heated up with the therapy. Water, even warm water, will cause the muscles and tendons to stiffen, and it’s thought it can leave you open to catching a chill, especially through the compromised part of your body. It’s best not to eat before a sobada. While I’ve been told by some practitioners that it’s only necessary to have an empty stomach when working on issues within the abdomen, it’s possible that pain or the release of blockages could cause nausea, so it’s best not to eat before the treatment. 

Oils—Eucalyptus, turpentine, menthol, and camphor (Vicks VapoRub): It’s a long-running joke that Mexican moms use “vaporú” for a lot of things. Originally called Vicks Coup and Pneumonia Salve, it was invented by a pharmacist in 1890. Although its efficacy hasn’t been studied in detail, many Mexican moms know it helps with coughs and colds and is good for insect bites, headaches, and muscle fatigue. Its main active ingredients are eucalyptus, turpentine, menthol, and camphor. It has been proposed that these oils produce a cooling effect that makes us only think we’re breathing better. However, either way, that’s helpful for coughs and colds; it can make breathing feel less congested. In my house, this process begins with a sign of the cross made on the forehead with a vaporúed finger and a prayer for healing. I warm about a tablespoon of the ointment in my hands (grandma used to warm it over an open flame in the metal can that it used to be sold in) by rubbing my hands together really fast. While I hold that heat in my hands, I put it on the chest, back, neck, throat, and feet, finally making sure the entire body is covered and warm. 

Smudging: The practice of burning medicinal plant matter and using the smoke and vapor to cleanse and bless bodies, minds, and the environment is practiced by many Native American peoples. Sage, sweetgrass, and cedar are some of the most commonly burned by tribes in the United States. In Ancient Mexico and modern day Mexico, this was and is commonly done with copal. Evidence of copal has been found in the Great Well at Chichen Itza in Yucatán in the Maya region of Mexico and at the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlán, now Mexico City. 

In the pre-conquest Codex Borbonicus, the story of Oxomoxo and Cipactonal, the ancestor couple of all humans, is portrayed. Facing each other on a red mat, she casts lots while he holds an incense burner, smoke rising from it. Copal was and is used during ceremonies across what is now Mexico and the Southwest United States. It is thought to be mentally uplifting and calming. One study, published in 2018, found that rats demonstrated reduced fear behavior and an increase in active social interaction after being exposed to burning copal. The word copal derives from copalli, the Náhuatl (Aztec) term for the aromatic resins from a number of plants. It has been used for centuries as incense for religious ceremonies, as a food preservative, and as a treatment to cure headaches and to clean the body after being exposed to sick people. Copal resins were ground and dissolved in water to treat diarrhea, as an anti-inflammatory poultice, to plug tooth cavities, and to treat pneumonia. It was used against uterine diseases, to treat fevers, chicken pox, sore throats, and to heal wounds. However, few studies have assessed its effect on the body today.

Some practices, such as burning of copal and use of the temazcal (sweat lodge/bath house) are not very commonly practiced here. Building and maintaining a sweat lodge is no easy task, and filling your home with smoke will get you a visit from the fire department. But making a cup of tea or providing a loved one a massage are easy ways to care for ourselves and each other. While we wait for this time to pass, that’s all we can do, is care for each other. I wish you and yours good health and safety.

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Laura De Los Santos is an independent researcher and a docent in The Field Museum’s Ancient Americas permanent exhibit. This is her first contribution to the Weekly.

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  1. Thank you for sending me back to my childhood. I grew up by la frontera and my mom and abuela used most of these on me or my siblings. I did have a doctor, but these were just comforting and it feels healing. Now I’m leaving to make manzanilla tea! And yes, I have a vicks bottle right next to my night stand.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the article and especially that you found it healing; that was my hope. We all need some remedios right now and memories of our abuelas are great medicine.

      1. Thank you for posting, brings me memories of my childhood. I still use some of this remedies.

        1. Thank you for your comment, I’m happy that warm memories arose for you! We still use these remedies because we know they work!

    2. I really enjoyed ready this artical. I was raised in a Mexican household and recall my mother using some of these remedies on us kids. One thing I remember is anytime we kids fall she would rub camphor oil or salve on the area and it would not bruise up as bad or swell up. Unfortunately kids today do not believe in these remedies. But I find them very useful and quite comforting. Thanks again for sharing.

      1. Hi Leti!

        Oh yes, camphor oil…that scent immediately brings me back to being a little kid seeing the sobador for a twisted ankle! I don’t use it because of that smell, but I know it’s effective. I’m so glad you found some useful information in there! Thank you for reading!

      2. Thank you for reading Leti! It’s important to share this wisdom with younger generations as well as our own. They are useful to keep us well in many regards!

  2. Así es Laura De Los Santos. ????Muchísimas gracias por compartir la sabíduria de las Nanas y Tatas.Good health and safety to you y su familia. Xo

  3. Thank you for your insight. In our home, to calm nervousness or to help with sleep I make a tea with steeped asares, flowers from a citrus tree. They can be used fresh or dried for later use. This has proven to be an excellent remedy when deciding to quit drinking alcohol.

    1. Thank you for sharing that Kathleen! I am familiar with a tea called Siete Azahares, (Seven Blossoms in English) which is made with chamomile, rose petals, tilo star, passion flower, linden flower and anise seeds. It is very good for anxiety and sleep and commonly sold in Latino markets in ready made bags. I’d love to learn more about the one you mention; tea made from fresh flowers and leaves is so good!

  4. Laura,

    Great post and very interesting, I also grew up around natural remedies and still use some of them nowadays with my wife and kids. I also think it is important to mention that in Chicago there are stores still selling a great variety of herbs. The one I have seen with the most selection is called Botanica la Guadalupana on 3842 W. 26th St., I believe they have more than 100 types of herbs, smudges, even camphor. Hope you find this information helpful, have a great day.

    1. Gracias Eduardo! Yes, there are botanicas all over Chicagoland. I’ve not been to the one you mention yet as there are so many others that are very well stocked, but it’s now on my list!

  5. I enjoyed reading your article Laura De Los Santos! The information resonates with me and I hope you contribute more similar to this article soon.

  6. Everything you described has taken me back to all the advice from my elders. The aftercare of the sobadas especially brought back many memories. Thank you for reminding me of my rich culture and traditions.

    1. Yes, our culture is rich with traditions that are well documented to have existed long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue!

  7. Thank you for taking me down memory lane and helping me to remember why I do the remedies I do!

    1. You’re very welcome! It’s funny how some of these practices are second nature to us. This may be part of how they’ve survived for so long!

  8. Thank you for sharing this with us. My people seem to have forgotten any herbal remedies we used before immigrating to this country, but I naturally used massage to help my family as a kid. I’m now a massage therapist and interested in learning more about herbal medicine.

    1. Thank you Sandi! I think it’s amazing that we seem to instinctively know some things and feel compelled (a calling?) to learn more!

  9. Laura, this article is on point. Thank you so much for sharing. My family can totally relate. We still practice at home ancient remedies. And everything you mentioned, my mom does. And now I pass it down to my kids. Especially the canela tea. That’s our favorite.

    1. Thank you Mara! Canela tea is a favorite in my house too! It’s wonderful that you’re passing on this valuable information to the next generation.

  10. Thank you for sharing this. A good reminder of the healing practices of our ancestors that we can use during these challenging times. Drawing upon their wisdom and strength. Looking forward to reading more of your contributions.

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! These challenging times call for the wisdom and strength of our ancestors and their time tested methods for healing and health.

  11. Such a beautiful and superb article, we have been looking for this information about the survival healing of traditional mexican remedies. Keep sharing such informative articles in future, will be appreciated. I enjoyed reading this article!! Great blog and would suggest others too.

  12. Wow!! I just finished reading this article. I was planning on giving my son and his girlfriend a list of things to do for their new baby. I had just told n them that these are things that worked for generations in our family. I guess I had forgotten a few. Thank you. My mom was a curandera

    1. Centro Botanica Guadalupana 1538 W 18th Street, Chicago IL 60608 has a wonderful inventory. If they don’t have it, they might be able to tell you where to find it. Suerte!

  13. I found your article validated so many of the home remedies I experienced as a child from my great-grandmother. I remember she had a vast garden filled with plants and herbs. When people were ill they went to her instead of a doctor. So many of her remedies are mentioned in your article.
    For just a moment, I shared memories of her through you article.
    Thank you.

    1. Isn’t it wonderful how these memories return to us like that?
      Thank you for sharing your special moment here! Abrazos.

  14. All these I have heard of. Additionally we would use Ruda (A plant) and put it in your ear with a cotton ball to hold it in, great for ear aches. My maternal Grandmother used a penny and a small birthday candle with a clear glass to “Take the Aire” out of the back!, lol [ I’ve heard this is now called Cupping] Also My Patrernal Grandmother would use a newspaper and roll it like a cone….put it in your ear and light the end on fire. “To get the aire out of your ear that is causing you an earache. Also cloves for a tooth ache. And many a time when I’d have pink eye and woke up not being able to open my eyes, mom would warm some olive oil in a spoon…walk and guide me outside and rub the warm oil over my eyes. She would then tell me to open my eyes and blink. Then she would use a warm wash cloth to wipe some of it off, but keep most of it around my eyes. Yup it worked! Here is something traumatic I heard when I was little. My older sister was 3 and still wasn’t talking. My maternal uncle put a cicada bug in a clean handkerchief and put it in her mouth causing her to “soltar in talking” , I think that was mean! My older sister doesn’t remember but heard they did this to her. I have an older brother who got sick with fevers, crying and he wouldn’t stop. My mom took him to a doctor and the doctor said he couldn’t find anything wrong with him so my mom took him to a Tia because my Maternal Grandmother said that someone had given him the “eye”. Not to be mean but by accident basically if you see a cute baby you must touch them if you are admiring him beit a soft touch on the arm , leg, head, contact that’s all ( my brother was a cute curly blonde boy with beautiful green eyes, he looked like a girl, lol) If you don’t do this they will get the evil eye and get Embacho and Fevers. My Tia prayed over him did some olive oil rubs on his stomach, then had my mom crack an egg the following day and if it turned into the shape of an eye , he had gotten Mal Ojo, so she gave my mom a set of prayer to say to make it go away, (Which it did). I’m sure there are more but I can’t recall them right now. ~Irma Mera

    1. Thank you for sharing these Irma! Cupping has gotten quite popular! It’s called ventosas in Spanish and is pretty amazing.

  15. Hello Laura, what a wonderful article. My Tia was a curandera and my Abuelo was a sanador, he actually had lines of people waiting to be massaged by him. They were truly gifted. Unfortunately, they took their remedies and techniques with them when they passed. Thank You for sharing

  16. Thank you very much for your research in Mexican remedies. I had a research paper to create and it is about Mexican remedies, diabetes and Western medicine. Your information was cited for my paper. I also have some knowledge about herbal remedies and hope to use it in my nurse practitioner practice.

    1. Question is there antiviral properties canned tomatoes for getting rid of fevers ? Mexican friend told me that canned whole tomatoes have healing properties will knock a fever out has the procedure i was told to rub a can of whole from chest to legs wait ten minutes then shower seeps into pours Is this True ? my friend claim he has used it and old witch doctor remedy is this true

    1. Oh my goodness I’m Spanish and my mom had us take this when we were kids & no one believed me bc they said it would of killed us & now I finally found someone else who had a mom with the same remedy

    2. Wow!! That is a new one for me! Thank you Frank!! It’s so beautiful to learn about commonalities across cultural practices.

    1. Hi Michelle,
      The curanderas I have known would answer, “yo no curo, Dios cura.” “I do not heal, God heals.”

  17. Could hot pepper sauce stirred into some milk be a great drink with pain relief benefits?
    Not the milk but the pepper benefits could it ease nerve pain such as a neck spasm in the muscle of the neck.

    1. Hi Benny,
      I have not heard of that so I can not tell you anything about it. However, there are many methods to treat pain. I hope you’ve found some relief.

  18. By any chance do you ever remember your Grama using a good size leave called Alamo Frances? It would be warmed on a comal and when it got warm she would roll it and place it on the skin! What it would do is suck up any abscess like a mosquito bit, pimple or a grano enterado! You would leave it on till the next with some gauze wrapped around it!

    1. Thank you for sharing! In English the plant is called a Black Poplar and has quite a few medicinal and spiritual uses.

  19. Grew up in south Texas , as a child about 5 /6 years old I was traumatized by dogs. I was deadly afraid to hear them bark or he bear me .. a curandera came to our home .. and gave me a barida? Sweeping of my body with branch’s from laurel bus I believe .. not exactly sure that was specific name of bush .. women prayed over me .. Prayers lasted about 25 minutes .. I was given a massage with olive oil with Lemon and Lilac. White sheet was placed over me.. I slept after I was covered .. days later I had no fear of any barking dog that was near me.. today I am a dog lover . Another example of Chicano/ Mexican remedy for susto .. oh yea and the cracked egg under the bed was another strong brief when people felt they got mal pho or bad vibes

    1. Thank you for sharing! It’s amazing how these practices are known commonly among Mexican origin folx, regardless of what parts of Mexico their families hail from, or what parts of the US they live in.

  20. I loved reading this. I was visiting Chichen Itza and spoke with a Shaman there. I had strokes to my optic nerves 2 years ago and only have 20% vision in one eye. He gave me his blessing and wrote a receipe for me for the nerve system of the eye in Spanish which I was going to get translated. I had to do with 1/2 a banana and carrots blended with some water 2 times a day or something like that. I lost that paper which I had safely stored in a zipper pocket of a purse. Don’t know how. Does anyone know of this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Greatful for help. Sue

  21. My Grandpa has been a Sobador huesero for the past 50 + years in L.A. area.
    I Would love to get his story out. He is Don and has healed many people in his working time. I am his granddaughter and am and have been learning from him. I am excited to keep this tradition growing.

  22. This is beautiful! I’m finally learning to embrace where I came from rather than be ashamed. I want to teach other women of color how beautiful we are with self care that brings us back to our roots and this article helps immensely. Thank you so much!!

  23. I am amazed by Dr Timothy herbal products. I Have had Genital herpes for over 4 years with frequent outbreaks. Sometimes average 2-3 times per month. Before one breakout could end, the next would begin. Nothing has helped me. I came online in search for a possible way to see how I can fight this virus so I found Dr Timothy here online after seeing a lot of testimonies of how he cured people from herpes and other diseases with natural herbs so I decided to give it a try, I only took his herbal product for good two weeks and I was completely cured. I recommend Dr Timothy remedy to anyone suffering from herpes that wants to be completely cured too. contact website https ://5dc41d5b6d60d. site123. me or email goodhealthherbalfoundation1 @ gmail. com for quick response.

  24. My sincerest apologies for my negligence in responding to so many beautiful comments and stories here. I assumed my article was old news and not drawing attention. Ya saben what they say about making assumptions! Sending hugs and healing vibes to everyone who sees this.
    – Laura De Los Santos

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