Last Thursday, CPD Superintendent Garry McCarthy faced questions from aldermen as part of the city’s annual budget hearings. The Weekly was there to take notice. What follows are figures McCarthy gave at the hearing, numbers from the proposed 2015 budget, and other stats, quips, and items of interest.
Rank of the CPD among city departments, by amount of city allocations: 1
Rank of the CPD among city departments, by number of employees: 1
Total number of CPD employees: 14,418
Number of CPD officers: 12,000
Percentage of African Americans among CPD employees: 24
Percentage among Chicago population: 32.9
Percentage of whites among CPD employees: 53
Number of people on the CPD command staff: 7
Number of African Americans: 0
(McCarthy: “That’s something we’ll have to work on”)
Percentage of African Americans among McCarthy’s hires: 18
Year in which Alderman Willie Cochran, a former police officer, said there were more African-American leaders in the CPD: 1977
Amount allotted for overtime in 2015: $71,000,000
Expected amount of 2014 overtime expenditures, at the time of the budget hearing: $93,000,000
Expected amount of 2013 overtime expenditures, at budget hearing last year: $93,000,000
Actual amount spent on overtime last year: $103,000,000
Amount allotted for overtime in 2014: $71,000,000
Amount allotted for overtime in 2013: $32,000,000
Criteria the CPD uses for officers it puts on overtime, after seniority: “active and aggressive”
Percentage drop in police complaints so far this year: 18
Percentage of police misconduct complaints sustained in 2011 and 2012: 1.2
Percentage by which an April 2014 audit found that CPD had been undercounting aggravated assaults and batteries, due to a failure to count multiple victims: 20.8
Percentage by which the audit found CPD had incorrectly classified assault-related incidents, once filed: 3.1
Number of reports the audit checked for accuracy pre-filing: 0
What Inspector General Joseph Ferguson, who conducted the audit, said of such an examination: “worthy of review and assessment”
Number of audits McCarthy deemed necessary, at the budget hearing: 0
Number of ongoing federal investigations of CPD shootings: 1+
Percentage of funding among city’s general operating fund that goes towards the CPD: 39
Percentage increase in the CPD’s general operating funds: 6.4
Percentage increase in the city’s general operating spending: 4.7
Amount received from general operating funds: $1,374,187,790
Additional amount received in outside grants: $49,306,000
Amount in DHS grants Chicago public safety departments will receive to combat terrorism: $60,100,000+
A list of the military-grade equipment in the CPD’s possession, as requested by Alderman Leslie Hairston: “forthcoming through the chair”
Year McCarthy cited as the last time Chicago had a murder count as low as this year’s: 1963
Chicago population in 1960: 3,550,404
Chicago population in 2013: 2,718,782
Number of times McCarthy referenced Mike Ditka, when comparing the murder count to 1963: 2
Number of hours between references: 6
Sources: Population statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. Police misconduct complaints from the Independent Police Review Authority’s 2010-2012 Annual Report. Audit numbers from the Chicago Office of Inspector General’s report. Federal investigations refer to those cited by Daniel Herbert, a former CPD officer and Cook County prosecutor, in a letter to Fraternal Order of Police President Dean Angelo. Overtime figures from past budgets. All other quotes and figures from this year’s proposed budget overview and the October 30 budget hearing.