Demonstrators gather in Park 578 at the end of Monday’s march on the DNC. Credit: Jesus J. Montero

A coalition of more than 200 political and community organizations brought more than 12,000 people to Union Park to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel on Monday, as the Democratic National Convention kicked off its first day at the United Center nearby.

“We’re a broad-based coalition composed of people from all sectors of society that the Democrats claim to represent,” said Faayani Aboma Mijana, a spokesperson of the coalition, in a press release. “And we’re all united in standing with Palestine to demand an end to all U.S. aid to Israel.”

The demonstrators heard speeches from a variety of organizers on a range of demands, including investment in jobs, education, healthcare, housing, and the environment; defending immigrant rights, LGBTQIA and reproductive rights, the right to unionize and strike; community control of the police; and justice, peace, and equality.

Credit: Jesus J. Montero

In the early afternoon, they marched half a mile west to a park with a view of the United Center. After the main contingent left, a small group of protesters briefly broke through security barricades before riot police cleared the park. The National Lawyers Guild Chicago chapter released a statement that said twelve people were arrested, two of whom were hospitalized.

At the convention that evening, President Joseph Biden acknowledged the protesters in his keynote address. Biden said the protesters “have a point,” adding, “A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides” and reiterating the need for a ceasefire agreement and release of hostages being held by Hamas. Last week, the president approved $20 billion in arms sales to Israel.

Photos by Jesus J. Montero.

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Demonstrators listen to speakers in Union Park. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
U.S. Palestinian Community Network organizer Hatem Abudayyeh speaks at a press conference Monday. Credit: Jesus J. Montero

Cornell West made an impromptu appearance at Monday’s march on the DNC. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
U.S. Palestinian Community Network organizer Nesreen Hasan speaks at Monday’s rally. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
Kobi Guillory, a member of the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine, spoke at Monday‘s rally in Union Park. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
CAARPR leader Frank Chapman spoke at Monday’s rally in Union Park. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
(From left) Ald. Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33rd) and Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th) march outside the DNC on Monday. Credit: Jesus J. Montero

Flags of Mexico and Palestine fly side-by-side at Monday’s rally for Gaza. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
Followers of Neturei Karta, a Haredi anti-Zionist Jewish group, attended Monday’s march for Gaza. Credit: Jesus J. Montero
“No Peace Without Justice” Credit: Jesus J. Montero
“Healthcare Not Warfare” Credit: Jesus J. Montero
“Arms Embargo Now” Credit: Jesus J. Montero
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Jim Daley is the Weekly’s investigations editor. Jesus J. Montero is the son of Mexican immigrants and an award-winning multimedia journalist from Chicago.

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