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From Bohemia to the Black Arts Movement: Recent Books Explore Art Rooted in Chicagoā€™s Urban Space

n 1967, when Black Power activists occupied part of Washington Park and renamed it ā€œMalcolm X Shabbazz Park,ā€ artists from the Organization of Black American Culture (OBAC) were in attendance. They were there not just as fellow activists or to simply lend their techniques to a propaganda stunt. In her book Art for Peopleā€™s Sake: […]

Posted inCommunity

COVID-19: An Illustrated FAQ

Masks: why they work When you breathe, talk, sing, cough, or sneeze, you release respiratory droplets into the space around you. If youā€™re infected with COVID-19, even if you donā€™t have symptoms, you will be releasing droplets with COVID-19. Covering your mouth and nose with a mask reduces the spread of respiratory droplets, which can […]